1、 逆境对油料品质和产量形成的影响机制,国家重点研发计划课题,2023.12-2028.11,参与;
2、 植物特有蛋白BRAF调控胞吞途径参与免疫应答的分子机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,参与;
3、 国家地理标志——杭州市地方标准制定,横向课题,2023.09-2024.09,主持;
4、 CcWRI1和CcLEC1协同参与山核桃油脂合成的分子调控机理,永利3044官网科研发展基金,2023.10-2025.10,主持。
[1]Huang CY, Li Y, Wang KT, Xi JW, Wang HY, Zhu DM, Jiang CY, Si XL, Shi DS, Wang S, Li XB, Huang JQ. WRINKLED1 positively regulates oil biosynthesis inCarya cathayensis.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023. 71(17):6763-6774.
[2]Huang CY, Li Y, Wang KT, Xi JW, Xu YF, Si XL, Pei D, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Ye HY, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ. Analysis of lipidomics profile ofCarya cathayensisnuts and lipid dynamic changes during embryonic development.Food Chemistry. 2022. 370:130975.
[3]Huang CY, Li Y, Wang KT, Xi JW, Xu YF, Hong JY, Si XL, Ye HY, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ. Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis of developing embryo reveals the mechanisms underlying the high levels of oil accumulation inCarya cathayensisSarg.Tree Physiology. 2021. 42(3):684-702.
[4]Wang HY, He TJ,Huang CY, Wang KT, Shi DS, Si XL, Xu YF, Lyu SH, Huang JQ, Li Y. Genome-wide identification of KCS gene family inCarya illinoinensisand their roles under abiotic stress conditions.Scientia Horticulturae. 2023. 321:112343.
[5]Jiang CY, Wang S, Wang YH, Wang KT,Huang CY, Gao F, Hu HP, Deng YY, Zhang W, Zheng J, Huang JQ, Li Y. Polyphenols from hickory nut reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis in mice by improving intestinal microbiota and inhibiting trimethylamine N-oxide production.Phytomedicine. 2024. 155349.
[6]Chen AJ, Hu S, Zhu DM, Zhao R,Huang CY, Gao YL. Lipid droplets proteome reveals dynamic changes of lipid droplets protein during embryonic development ofCarya cathayensisnuts.Plant Science. 2023. 334:111753.
[7] Si XL, Lyv SH, Hussain Q, Ye HY,Huang CY, Li Y, Huang JQ, Chen JJ, Wang KT. Analysis of Delta(9) fatty acid desaturase gene family and their role in oleic acid accumulation inCarya cathayensiskernel.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023. 14:1193063.
[8] Xing YL, Wang KT,Huang CY, Huang JQ, Zhao YR, Si XL, Li Y. Global transcriptome analysis revealed the molecular regulation mechanism of pigment and reactive oxygen species metabolism during the stigma development ofCarya cathayensis.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13:881394.
[9] Wang YG, Ye HY, Wang KT,Huang CY, Si XL, Wang JH, Xu YF, Huang YJ, Huang JQ, Li Y. CcMYB12 positively regulates flavonoid accumulation during fruit development inCarya cathayensisand has a role in abiotic stress responses.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. 23(24):15618.
[10] Li Y, Wang JH, Wang KT, Lyv SH, Ren LY,Huang CY, Pei D, Xing YL, Wang YG, Xu YF, Li PP, Xi JW, Si XL, Ye HY, Huang JQ. Comparison analysis of widely-targeted metabolomics revealed the variation of potential astringent ingredients and their dynamic accumulation in the seed coats of bothCarya cathayensisandCarya illinoinensis.Food Chemistry. 2022. 131688.
[11]赵艺蕊,黄春颖,王克涛,等.山核桃实时荧光定量PCR分析中内参基因的筛选与验证[J].果树学报, 2022, 39(1):10-21.
[12]黄春颖,黄有军,吴建峰,等. SAD和FAD家族基因调控山核桃不饱和脂肪酸组分配比[J].园艺学报, 2018, 45(2):250-260.
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