郑炳松 教授,博士,学院党委书记,博士生导师,浙江省“151人才工程”重点资助人员,浙江省高等学校优秀教师,亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室团队负责人,国家林业和草原局冬青工程技术研究中心主任,永利3044官网森林资源培育研究中心专职副主任,任中国林学会青年工作委员会副主任委员、中国林学会树木生理生化专业委员会副主任委员、浙江省林学会经济林专业委员会副主任委员、浙江省植物生理与分子生物学学会理事、浙江省农学会理事、浙江省农业发展投资商会高级顾问、山核桃研究所副所长。曾留学瑞典农业大学、法国农业科学研究院、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学等,从事经济林培育与利用、植物分子生理学、能源植物开发利用等方面的教学和研究,主要为本科生和研究生讲授植物生理学、生物化学、高级植物生理学、植物发育生物学等课程。近年来先后主持或参与国家重点研发计划项目、863项目、973前期项目、国家自然科学基金、浙江省科技厅重大专项、浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年基金、国家教育部留学回国人员科研基金等项目20余项。获国家科技进步二等奖1项,梁希林业科学技术二等奖3项,浙江省科技进步一等奖、二等奖各1项,三等奖2项,浙江省教学成果一等奖1项,浙江省高校科研成果二等奖3项。为全国先进基层党组织、全国高校“双带头人”教师党支部书记工作室党支部书记,获浙江省教育年度影响力人物、浙江省学会工作先进个人等荣誉称号。在Science of the Total Environment、GigaScience、The Plant Journal、Tree Physiology等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中40余篇为SCI/EI收录期刊,主编专著或教材7部,应邀为国际重要刊物Plant Physiology and Biochemistry、Journal of Plant Physiology等审稿。授权国家发明专利10余项,审(认)定省级良种3项。研究成果山核桃、香榧、铁皮石斛等良种及高效培育技术在浙江、江苏等南方7省得到大面积推广应用,累计新增产值60多亿元。
4.北美冬青优新品种产业化关键技术示范(〔2017〕TS 11),国家林业局中央财政林业推广项目
1.Sharma A, Wang J, Xu D, Tao S, Chong S, Yan D, Li Z, Yuan H,Zheng B(2020) Melatonin regulates the functional components of photosynthesis, antioxidant system, gene expression, and metabolic pathways to induce drought resistance in graftedCarya cathayensisplants. Science of the Total Environment 713: 136675
2.Huang Y, Xiao L, Zhang Z, Zhang R, Wang Z, Huang C, Huang R, Luan Y, Fan T, Wang J, Shen C, Zhang S, Wang X, Randall J,Zheng B, Wu J, Zhang Q, Xia G, Xu C, Chen M, Zhang L, Jiang W, Gao L, Chen Z, Leslie CA, Grauke LJ, Huang J (2019) The genomes of pecan and Chinese hickory provide insights intoCaryaevolution and nut nutrition. GigaScience 8: 1-17
3.Yuan H, Chen J, Yang Y, Shen C, Xu D, Wang J, Yan D, He Y,Zheng B(2019) Quantitative succinyl-proteome profiling of Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis) during the grafting process. BMC Plant Biology 19: 467
4.Zeng Y, Zhu X, Chen C, Banerjee K, Sun L, Yu W,Zheng B, Wu R (2019) A unified DNA sequence and non-DNA sequence mapping model of complex traits. The Plant Journal 99: 784-795
5.Wang J, Chen J, Sharma A, Tao S,Zheng B, Landi M, Yuan H, Yan D (2019) Melatonin stimulates activities and expression level of antioxidant enzymes and preserves functionality of photosynthetic apparatus in hickory plants (Carya cathayensisSarg.) under PEG-promoted drought. Agronomy 9: 702
6.Sharma A,Zheng B(2019) Molecular responses during plant grafting and its regulation by auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. Biomolecules 9: 397
7.Saravana Kumar RM, Ji G, Guo H, Zhao L,Zheng B(2018) Over-expression of a grafting-responsive gene from hickory increases abiotic stress tolerance inArabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports 37: 541-552
8.Saravana Kumar RM, Gao LX, Yuan HW, Xu DB, Liang Z, Tao SC, Guo WB, Yan DL,Zheng BS, Edqvist J (2018) Auxin enhances grafting success inCarya cathayensis(Chinese hickory). Planta 247: 761-772
9.Yuan H, Zhao L, Chen J, Yang Y, Xu D, Tao S, Zheng S, Shen Y, He Y, Shen C, Yan D,Zheng B(2018) Identification and expression profiling of theAux/IAAgene family in Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensisSarg.) during the grafting process. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 127: 55-63
10.Xu D, Yuan H, Tong Y, Zhao L, Qiu L, Guo W, Shen C, Liu H, Yan D,Zheng B(2017) Comparative proteomic analysis of the graft unions in hickory (Carya cathayensis) provides insights into response mechanisms to grafting process. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 676
11.Wang Y, Tong Y, Chu H, Chen X, Guo H, Yuan H, Yan D,Zheng B(2017) Effects of different light qualities on seedling growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters ofDendrobium officinale. Biologia 72: 735-744
12.Chen X, Qiu L, Guo H, Wang Y, Yuan H, Yan D,Zheng B(2017) Spermidine induces physiological and biochemical changes in southern highbush blueberry under drought stress. Brazilian Journal of Botany 40: 841-851
13.Yuan H, Zhao L, Qiu L, Xu D, Tong Y, Guo W, Yang X, Shen C, Yan D,Zheng B(2017) Transcriptome and hormonal analysis of grafting process by investigating the homeostasis of a series of metabolic pathways inTorreya grandiscv. Merrillii. Industrial Crops and Products 108: 814-823
14.Qiu L, Jiang B, Fang J, Shen Y, Fang Z, RM SK, Yi K, Shen C, Yan D,Zheng B(2016) Analysis of transcriptome in hickory (Carya cathayensis), and uncover the dynamics in the hormonal signaling pathway during graft process. BMC Genomics 17: 935
15.Sima X, Jiang B, Fang J, He Y, Fang Z, KM SK, Ren W, Qiu L, Chen X,Zheng B(2015) Identification by deep sequencing and profiling of conserved and novel hickory microRNAs involved in the graft process. Plant Biotechnology Reports 9: 115-124
16.Huang Y, Zhou Q, Huang J, Zeng Y, Wang Z, Zhang Q, Zhu Y, Shen C,Zheng B(2015) Transcriptional profiling by DDRT-PCR analysis reveals gene expression during seed development inCarya cathayensisSarg. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 91: 28-35
17.Feng X, He Y, Fang J, Fang Z, Jiang B, Brancourt-Hulmel M,Zheng B, Jiang D (2015) Comparison of the growth and biomass production ofMiscanthus sinensis,Miscanthus floridulusandSaccharum arundinaceum. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 13: e703
18.Wang Z, Huang J, Huang Y,Zheng B(2014) Deep sequencing of microRNAs from hickory reveals an extensive degradation and 3’ end modification. Plant Biotechnology Reports 8: 203-209
19.Huang Y, Liu L, Huang J, Wang Z, Chen F, Zhang Q,Zheng B, Chen M (2013) Use of transcriptome sequencing to understand the pistillate flowering in hickory (Carya cathayensisSarg.). BMC Genomics 14: 691
20.Wang ZJ, Huang JQ, Huang YJ, Chen FF,Zheng BS(2012) Cloning and characterization of a homologue of theFLORICAULA/LEAFYgene in hickory (Carya cathayensisSarg). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 30: 794-805
21.Wang ZJ, Huang JQ, Huang YJ, Li Z,Zheng BS(2012) Discovery and profiling of novel and conserved microRNAs during flower development inCarya cathayensisvia deep sequencing. Planta 236: 613-621
22.Zheng BS, Chu HL, Jin SH, Huang YJ, Wang ZJ, Chen M, Huang JQ (2010) cDNA-AFLP analysis of gene expression in hickory (Carya cathayensis) during graft process. Tree Physiology 30: 297-303
23.郑炳松 副主编2019.01 常见浆果新型栽培模式与管理 浙江大学出版社
24.郑炳松 主编2018.09 山核桃嫁接研究进展 科学出版社
25.郑炳松 副主编2014.11 基础生物化学 中国林业出版社
26.郑炳松 副主编 2013.12 植物生理生化 高等教育出版社
27.郑炳松 主编 2013.04 蓝莓栽培实用技术 浙江大学出版社
28.郑炳松 主编 2011.09 高级植物生理学 浙江大学出版社
29.郑炳松 主编 2006.10 现代植物生理生化研究技术 气象出版社
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