2018/05–至今 永利3044官网 教授
2017/11–2018/5 永利3044官网 讲师
2015/11– 2017/10 浙江大学 博士后
2012/09– 2015/09 浙江大学 博士
2009/09– 2012/06 浙江师范大学 硕士
2005/09– 2009/06 阜阳师范学院 学士
1.Ding Mingzhu,Lou Heqiang*, Chen Wenchao, Zhou Ying, Zhang Zihao, Xiao Minghui, Wang Zhanqi, Yang Yi, Yang Lei, Zhang Feicui, Wu Jiasheng*, Song Lili*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the genes involved in lipid biosynthesis pathway and regulation of oil body formation inTorreya grandiskernels,Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 145, 112051.
2.Lou He Qiang#, Fan Wei#, Jin Jian Feng, Xu Jia Meng, Chen Wei Wei, Yang Jian Li*, Zheng Shao Jian. A NAC-type transcription factor confers aluminium resistance by regulating cell wall-associated receptor kinase 1 and cell wall pectin,Plant, Cell & Environment, 2020, 43(2), 463-478.
3.Lou Heqiang#, Ding Mingzhu#, Wu Jiasheng*, Zhang Feicui, Chen Wenchao, Yang Yi, Suo Jinwei, Yu Weiwu, Xu Chuanmei, Song Lili*. Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis of the Genes Involved in Tocopherol Biosynthesis inTorreya grandis,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(7), 1877-1888.
4.Jiasheng Wu*, Jiandiao Huang, Yiwei Hong, Haizhen Zhang, Mingzhu Ding,Heqiang Lou, Yuanyuan Hu, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song*.De novotranscriptome sequencing ofTorreya grandisreveals gene regulation in sciadonic acid biosynthesis pathway.Industrial Crops and Products,2018, 120, 47-60.
5.Mei Ya Liu#,He Qiang Lou#, Wei Wei Chen#, Miguel A. Piñeros, Jia Meng Xu , Wei Fan, Leon V. Kochian, Shao Jian Zheng , Jian Li Yang. Two citrate tnsporters coordinately regulate citrate secretion from rice bean root tip under aluminum stress.Plant, Cell & Environment, 2018, 41, 809–822.
6.Wei Wei Chen, Feng Jin Jian,He Qiang Lou, Li Liu, Leon V. Kochian, Jian Li Yang*. LeSPL-CNR negatively regulates Cd acquisition through repressing nitrate reductase-mediated nitric oxide production in tomato.Planta, 2018, 248,893-907.
7.Wei Fan, Jia Meng Xu, Pei Wu, Zhi Xin Yang,He Qiang Lou, Wei Wei Chen, Jian Feng Jin, Shao Jian Zheng, Jian Li Yang*. Alleviation by ABA of Al toxicity in rice bean is not associated with citrate efflux but depends on ABI5-mediated signal transduction pathways.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2019, 61, 140-154.
8.Jia Meng Xu,He Qiang Lou, Jian FengJin, Wei Wei Chen, Jiang Xue Wan, Wei Fan, Jian Li Yang*. A half-type ABC transporter FeSTAR1 regulates Al resistance possibly via UDP-glucose-based hemicellulose metabolism and Al binding.Plant and Soil, 2018, 432, 303-314.
9.He Qiang Lou, Yu Long Gong, Wei Fan, Jia Meng Xu, Yu Liu, MengJieCao,Ming-Hu Wang, Jian Li Yang*,Shao Jian Zheng.A formate dehydrogenase confers tolerance to aluminum and low pH.Plant Physiology,2016, 171,294-305.
10.He Qiang Lou#, Wei Fan#, Jia Meng Xu, Yu Long Gong, Jian Feng Jin, Wei Wei Chen, Ling Yu Liu, Mei Rong Hai, Jian Li Yang*, and Shao Jian Zheng. An oxalyl-CoA synthetase is involved in oxalate degradation and aluminum tolerance.Plant Physiology,2016, 172, 1679-1690.
11.Wei Fan#,He Qiang Lou#,Yu Long Gong, Mei Ya Liu, MengJieCao, Yu Liu,Jian Li Yang*,Shao Jian Zheng.Characterization of an inducible C2H2‐type zinc finger transcription factor VuSTOP1 in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) reveals differential regulation between low pH and aluminum tolerance mechanisms.New Phytologist, 2015,208, 456–468.
12.Wei Fan,He Qiang Lou, Yu Long Gong, Mei Ya Liu, Zhan Qi Wang, Jian Li Yang*, Shao Jian Zheng. Identification of early Al‐responsive genes in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) roots provides new clues to molecular mechanisms of Al toxicity and tolerance.Plant, Cell & Environment, 2014, 37(7), 1586-1597.
13.Jia Meng Xu, Wei Fan, Jian Feng Jin,He Qiang Lou, Wei Wei Chen, Jian Li Yang, Shao Jian Zheng. (2017). Transcriptome analysis of Al-induced genes in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) root apex: New insight into Al toxicity and resistance mechanisms in an Al accumulating species.Frontiers in plant science, 2017, 8.
14.Wei Fan, Jia Meng Xu,Heqiang Lou,Chuan Xiao, Wei Wei Chen,Jian Li Yang*. Physiological and molecular analysis of aluminium-induced organic acid anion secretion from grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacusL.) roots.International journal of molecular sciences,2016,17(5), 608.
15.Mei Ya Liu,Jia Meng Xu,Heqiang Lou,Wei Fan,Jian Li Yang*,Shao Jian Zheng.Characterization of VuMATE1 expression in response to iron nutrition and aluminum stress reveals adaptation of rice bean (Vigna umbellata) to acid soils through Cis regulation.Frontiers in plant science,2016,7.
16.Wei Wei Chen, Jia Meng Xu, Jian Feng Jin ,He Qiang Lou, Wei Fan*, Jian Li Yang*.Genome-Wide Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Conserved and Distinct Molecular Mechanisms of Al Resistance in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentumMoench) LeavesInternational journal of molecular sciences,2017,18, 1859.
17.Heqiang Lou, Ya Hu, Lingying Zhang, Peng Sun, Hongfei Lu*.Nondestructive evaluation of the changes of total flavonoid, total phenols, ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities, and sugars during mulberry (Morus albaL.) fruits development by chlorophyll fluorescence and RGB intensity values.LWT - Food Science and Technology,2012, 47, 19–24.
18.Heqiang Lou, Ya Hu, Bin Wang, Hongfei Lu*.Dried jujube classification using support vector machine based on fractal parameters and RGB intensity.International Journal of Food Science and Technology,2012, 47(9), 1951-1957.
19.Heqiang Lou, Ping Chen, Hong Zheng, Cuicui Xu and Hongfei Lu*. Effect of kinetin on quality and harvest date of loquat fruit.African Journal of Agricultural Research,2012, 7(10), 1577-1583.
20.Hongfei Lu*#,Heqiang Lou#, Hong Zheng,Ya Hu, Yan Li. Nondestructive evaluation of quality changes and the optimum time for harvesting during jujube (Zizyphus jujubaMill. cv. Changhong) fruits development.Food and Bioprocess Technology,2012, 5, 2586-2595.
21.Hongfei Lu*, Hong Zheng,Heqiang Lou, Lingling Jiang, Yong Chen, Shuangshuang Fang. Using neural networks to estimate the losses of ascorbic acid, total phenols, flavonoid, and antioxidant activity in asparagus during thermal treatments.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2010, 58, 2995–3001.
22.Hong Zheng, Lingling Jiang,Heqiang Lou, Ya Hu, Xuecheng Kong, Hongfei Lu*.Application of artificial neural network (ANN) and partial least-squares regression (PLSR) to predict the changes of anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, total phenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity during storage of red bayberry juice based on fractal analysis and red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity values.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2011, 59, 592–600.
23.Peng Sun, Nitin Mantri,Heqiang Lou, Ya Hu, Dan Sun, Yueqing Zhu, Tingting Dong, Hongfei Lu*. Effects of elevated CO2and temperature on yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassaDuch.) at two levels of nitrogen application.PLoS ONE,2012, 7(7), e41000.
24.Hong Zheng, Hongfei Lu*, Yueping Zheng,Heqiang Lou, Cuiqin Chen. Automatic sorting of Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujubaMill. cv. ‘hongxing’) using chlorophyll fluorescence and support vector machine.Journal of Food Engineering,2010, 101, 402-408.
25.Hong Zheng, Shuangshuang Fang,Heqiang Lou, YongChen, Lingling Jiang, Hongfei Lu*. Neural network prediction of ascorbic acid degradation in green asparagus during thermal treatments.Expert systems with applications,2011, 38, 5591-5602.
26.张佳琦,胡恒康,徐川梅,胡渊渊,黄有军,夏国华,黄坚钦,常英英,叶磊,娄和强,张启香*.核桃JrGA2ox基因的克隆、亚细胞定位及功能验证.林业科学, 2019, 55, 50-60.
27.范伟,娄和强,龚育龙,刘美雅,杨建立,郑绍建*.调控铝诱导根尖有机酸分泌的分子机制.植物生理学报, 2014, 50, 1469-1478.
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