王克涛 农学博士,讲师
2015.09-2019.07 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所/中国农业大学园艺学院联合培养,农学博士;
2011.09-2014.07 河南农业大学生命科学学院,生物化学与分子生物学系,理学硕士;
2007.09-2011.07 河南农业大学生命科学学院,生物技术专业,理学学士;
1.Huang CY+, Li Y+*, Wang KT+, Xi JW, Xu YF, Si XL, Pei D, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Ye HY, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ*. Analysis of lipidomics profile of Carya cathayensis nuts and lipid dynamic changes during embryonic development[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021,130975. (In Press)(共同第一作者)
2.Huang CY+, Li Y+*, Wang KT+, Xi JW, Xu YF, Hong JY, Si XL, Ye HY, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ*. Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis of developing embryo revealed the mechanisms underlying the high levels of oil accumulation in Carya cathayensis Sarg[J]. Tree Physiology, 2021, tpab112. (In Press)(共同第一作者)
3.Wang JH+, Wang KT+*, Lyu SH, Huang JQ, Huang CY, Xing YL, Wang YG, Xu YF, Li PP, Hong JY, Xi JW, Si XL, Ye HY, Li Y*. Genome-Wide Identification of Tannase Genes and Their Function of Wound Response and Astringent Substances Accumulation in Juglandaceae[J]. Front Plant Sci, 2021 May 17;12:664470.(共同第一作者、共同通讯)
4.Li R+, Sun S+, Wang HJ, Wang KT, Yu H, Zhou Z, Xin PY, Chu JF, Zhao TM, Wang HZ, Li JY, Cui X*. FIS1 encodes a GA2-oxidase that regulates fruit firmness in tomato[J]. Nat Commun. 2020 Nov 17;11(1):5844.
5.Song J+, Zhang SB+, Wang XT, Sun S, Liu ZQ, Wang KT, Wan HJ, Zhou GZ, Li R, Cui X*. Variations in Both FTL1 and SP5G, Two Tomato FT Paralogs, Control Day-Neutral Flowering[J]. Molecular Plant, 2020; S1674-2052(20)30139-8.
6.Sun S, Wang XT, Wang KT, Cui X*. Dissection of complex traits of tomato in the post-genome era[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019: 1-14.
7.Zhang SB+, Jiao ZC+, Liu L+, Wang KT+, Zhong DY, Li SB, Zhao TT, Xu XY, Cui X*. Enhancer-promoter interaction ofSELF PRUNING 5Gshapes photoperiod adaptation[J]. Plant physiology, 2018, 178(4): 1631-1642.(共同第一作者)
8.Zhang SB+, Yu H+, Wang KT+, Zheng Z+, Liu L, Xu M, Jiao ZC, Li R, Liu XY, Li JY, Cui X*.Detection of major loci associated with the variation of 18 important agronomic traits between Solanum pimpinellifolium and cultivated tomatoes[J]. The Plant Journal, 2018, 95(2): 312-323.(共同第一作者)
9.Wang KT+, Su XM+, Cui X, Du YC, Zhang SB*, Gao JC*. Identification and Characterization of microRNA duringBemisia tabaciInfestations in Solanumlycopersicumand Solanumhabrochaites[J]. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2018, 4(2): 62-72.(共同第一作者)
10.Wang KT+,Jiao ZC+,Xu M+, Wang YS, Li R, Cui X, Gu LF*,Zhang SB*. Landscape and fruit developmental regulation of alternative splicing in tomato by genome-wide analysis[J]. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2016, 2(6): 338-350.(共同第一作者)
11.Qiu ZK+, Li R+, Zhang SB+, Wang KT, Xu M, Li JY, Du YC*, Yu H*, Cui X*. Identification of regulatory DNA elements using genome-wide mapping of DNase I hypersensitive sites during tomato fruit development[J]. Molecular plant, 2016, 9(8): 1168-1182.
12.Zhang SB+, Xu M+, Qiu ZK, Wang KT, Du YC, Gu LF*, Cui X*. Spatiotemporal transcriptome provides insights into early fruit development of tomato (Solanumlycopersicum)[J]. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 23173.
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