1. 永利3044官网科研启动项目“中国东部气溶胶吸湿性对大气污染过程的影响及其差异” (2022LFR084),2022-2024,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金,“长江三角洲地气环境变化对极端气象影响机理研究”(4203000253),2021-2025,参与
3. 国家重点研发计划,“超大城市边界层气溶胶垂直结构观测及试验研究”(2017YFC1501702),2018-2022,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金,“华北区域大气细粒子混合态及老化对其核化效率的影响研究”(41675141),2017-2020,参与
5. 全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划项目,“云、气溶胶及其气候效应的观测与模拟研究”(2013CB955800),2013-2017,参与
1. Jin, X.,Wang, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, F., Xu, W., Sun, Y., Fan, X., Chen, G., Wu, H., Ren, J., and Wang, Q., 2020. Significant contribution of organics to aerosol liquid water content in winter in Beijing, China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(2), 901–914.
2. Jin, X., Li, Z., Wu, T., Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., Su, T., Wei, J., Ren, R., Wu, H., Li, S., Zhang, D., and Cribb, M., 2022. The different sensitivities of aerosol optical properties to particle concentration, humidity, and hygroscopicity between the surface level and the upper boundary layer in Guangzhou. China.Science of the Total Environment, 803, 150010.
3.Li, S., Zhang, F.,Jin, X., Sun, Y., Wu, H., Xie, C., Chen, L., Liu, J., Wu, T., Jiang, S. and Cribb, M., 2020. Characterizing the ratio of nitrate to sulfate in ambient fine particles of urban Beijing during 2018–2019.Atmospheric Environment,237, 117662.
4.Chen, G., Wei, Z.,Jin, X., Dong, W., Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Zheng, Z. and Liu, Y., 2020. The effects of the modified mosaic approach method on regional simulations of surface meteorological variables in western China.International Journal of Climatology,40(9), 4053-4066.
5.Wang, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, R.,Jin, X., Xu, W., Fan, X., Wu, H., Zhang, F., Sun, Y., Wang, Q. and Cribb, M., 2019. Distinct ultrafine‐and accumulation‐mode particle properties in clean and polluted urban environments.Geophysical Research Letters,46(19), 10918-10925.
6.Wang, Y., Li, Z., Wang, Q.,Jin, X., Yan, P., Cribb, M., Li, Y., Yuan, C., Wu, H., Wu, T. and Ren, R., 2021. Enhancement of secondary aerosol formation by reduced anthropogenic emissions during Spring Festival 2019 and enlightenment for regional PM 2.5 control in Beijing.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,21(2), 915-926.
7.Ren, J., Zhang, F., Wang, Y., Fan, X.,Jin, X., Xu, W., Sun, Y., Cribb, M., Li, Z. 2017. Using different assumptions of aerosol mixing state and chemical composition to predict CCN concentrations based on filed measurement in beijing.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 1-40.
8.Wu, T., Li, Z., Chen, J., Wang, Y., Wu, H.,Jin, X., Liang, C., Li, S., Wang, W., and Cribb, M., 2020. Hygroscopicity of different types of aerosol particles: case studies using multi-instrument data in megacity Beijing, China,Remote Sens., 12(5), 785.
9.Ren, R., Li, Z., Yan, P., Wang, Y., Wu, H., Wang, W.,Jin, X., Li, Y., Zhang, D. and Cribb, M., 2021. Measurement report: The effect of aerosol chemical composition on light scattering due to the hygroscopic swelling effect.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-29.
10.Wang, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Du, W., Zhang, F., Tan, H., Xu, H., Fan, T.,Jin, X., Fan, X., Dong, Z., Wang, Q. (2018). Characterization of aerosol hygroscopicity, mixing state, and ccn activity at a suburban site in the central north china plain.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(16), 11739-11752.
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