喻文娟,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2023年11月加入永利3044官网,之前在上海交通大学分析测试中心和美国Metware Biotechnology Inc.工作。早期研究为色谱质谱分析方法的开发和应用,近期研究聚焦土壤有机碳的储存和稳定机制,在北美大陆尺度和中国亚热带区域深入研究了土壤微生物、矿物和植被对于土壤有机碳和碳氮循环的影响机制。
已发表学术论文70篇,其中SCI文章50篇,引用1900余次,H指数24。第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications(2023)、Soil Biology and Biochemistry(2022a,2022b,2021)等发表SCI论文14篇,主持和参与科研项目23项,授权国家发明专利6项,参与出版学术专著2部。担任《植物生态学报》青年编委、《Biogeochemistry》审稿编委、《Innovation》青年编委(见习期)。
2019.08-2022.08美国Iowa State University Department of EEOB 环境科学哲学博士
1. Huang, W.,Yu, W.J.*, Yi, B., Raman, E., Yang, J., Hammel, K.E., Timokhin, V.I., Lu, C., Howe, A., Weintraub-Leff, S.R., Hall, S.J.,2023. Contrasting geochemical and fungal controls on decomposition of lignin and soil carbon at continental scale.Nature Communications14, 2227.
2. Yu, W.J.*, Huang, W., Weintraub-Leff, S.R., Hall, S.J.,2022. Where and why do particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) differ among diverse soils?Soil Biology and Biochemistry172, 108756.
3. Yu, W.J., Hall, S.J., Hu, H., Dutta, S., Miao, Q., Wang, J., Kang, H.*,2022. Chronic nitrogen deposition drives microbial community change and disrupts bacterial-fungal interactions along a subtropical urbanization gradient.Soil Biology and Biochemistry169, 108676.
4. Yu, W.J., Lawrence, N.C., Sooksa-nguan, T., Smith, S.D., Tenesaca, C., Howe, A.C.*, Hall, S.J.*,2021. Microbial linkages to soil biogeochemical processes in a poorly drained agricultural ecosystem.Soil Biology and Biochemistry156, 108228.
5. Yu, W.J., Weintraub, S.R., Hall, S.J.*,2021. Climatic and geochemical controls on soil carbon at the continental scale: Interactions and thresholds.Global Biogeochemical Cycles35, e2020GB006781.
6. Kang, H.,Yu, W.J.*, Dutta, S., Gao, H.,2021. Soil microbial community composition and function are closely associated with soil organic matter chemistry along a latitudinal gradient.Geoderma383, 114744.
7. Yu, W.J., Deng, Q., Kang, H.*,2019. Long-term continuity of mixed-species broadleaves could reach a synergy between timber production and soil carbon sequestration in subtropical China.Forest Ecology and Management440, 31-39.
8. Kang, H., Gao, H.,Yu, W.J.*, Yi, Y., Wang, Y., Ning, M.,2018. Changes in soil microbial community structure and function after afforestation depend on species and age: Case study in a subtropical alluvial island.Science of The Total Environment625, 1423-1432.