3.适宜覆膜改善光照条件提高草莓果实香气品质研究。浙江省基础公益研究计划(LGN19C150006), 2019-2021, 10万,结题,主持。
4.天目山大学生校外实践教育基地建设与优化管理。浙江省高等教育学会高校实验室工作研究重点项目(ZD201610), 2016-2018, 0.4万,主持。
6 .国家林业和草原局华东调查规划院浙江省森林火灾风险普查可燃物样品测定项目。2019-2022,90万,主持。
1.Wang Bin, Chen Yali, Li Yan, Zhang Hui, Yue Kai, Wang Xingchang, Ma Yuandan, Chen Jian, Sun Meng, Chen Zhuo, Wu Qiqian*. Differential effects of altered precipitation regimes on soil carbon cycles in arid versus humid terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 2021, 27(24): 6348-6362.
2.Ma Yuandan, Wang Bin, Zhang Rumin, Gao Yan, Zhang Xiuying, Li Yan, Zuo Zhaojiang. Initial simulated acid rain impacts reactive oxygen species metabolism and photosynthetic abilities in Cinnamonum camphora undergoing high temperature. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 135: 352-361.(共同一作)
3.Xu Chenyi, Wang Bin, Luo Qingyun, Ma Yuandan, Zheng Tiefeng, Wang Yingying, Cai Yuyan, Zuo Zhaojiang. The uppermost monoterpenes improving Cinnamomum camphora thermotolerance by serving signaling functions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022b, 13.(共同一作)
4.Zuo Zhaojiang, Wang Bin, Ying Binbin, Zhou Lv, Zhang Rumin. Monoterpene emissions contribute to thermotolerance in Cinnamomum camphora. Trees-Structure and Function, 2017, 31(6): 1759-1771.(共一)
4. Peng Xin,Wang Bin, Wang Xile, Ni Binbin, Zuo Zhaojiang*. Variations in aroma and specific flavor in strawberry under different colored light-quality selective plastic film. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2020, 35(3): 350-359.(共同一作)
5.Peng Xin,Wang Bin, Wang Xile, Ni Binbin, Zuo Zhaojiang*.Effects of different colored light-quality selective plastic films on strawberry growth, photosynthetic abilities and fruit qualities. Horticultural Science and Technology, 2020, (Accepted). (共同一作)
6.Ma Yuandan,Wang Bin, Zhang Rumin, Gao Yan, Zhang Xiuying, Li Yan, Zhaojiang Zuo*.Initial simulated acid rain impacts reactive oxygen species metabolism and photosynthetic abilities in Cinnamonum camphora undergoing high temperature. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 135: 352–361. (共同一作)
7. Zuo Zhaojiang*,Wang Bin, Ying Binbin, Zhou Lv, Zhang Rumin. Monoterpene emissions contribute to thermotolerance inCinnamomum camphora. Trees, 2017, 31:1759–1771. (共同一作)
8.Zhang Peng, Li Meng,Wang Bin*. Establishment and Application of Evaluation Model of College Students' Entrepreneurial Ability in Perspective of Youth League. In: 2017 International Conference on Frontiers in Educational Technologies and Management Sciences, Oct 07-08, 2017, Nanjing, China, 613-617.
5.Wang Bin, Jiang Hong*, Chen Jian, Zhou Guomo, Jiang Zishan. The aerosol optical properties measurement by ground remote sensing in Shanghai and Guangzhou of China. In: 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2011, Shanghai, China, 1-5.
7.Wang Bin, Chen Jian, Jiang Hong*, Yu Shuquan, Ma Yuandan. The aerosol optical depth retrievals from ground sunphotometer measurements in Yangtze River Delta of China. In: 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2010, Beijing, China.
8.Wang Bin, Jiang Hong*, Chen Jian, Jiang Zishan, Yu Shuquan, Ma Yuandan. The aerosol optical properties measurement by ground remote sensing in Zhejiang, China. In: MIPPR 2009: Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing and Other Applications, 2009, Yichang, China, 7498J 11.
9.Wang Bin, Jiang Hong*, Ma Yuandan, Chen Jian, Jiang Zishan, Zhou Guomo, Yu Shuquan. Accuracy assessments of MODIS aerosol retrievals Evaluation of underlaying surface effects in the Yangtze River Delta, China. In: 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 2009, Shanghai, China, 1-3 354-358.
10.王彬,田正凤,应彬彬,马元丹,左照江.高温胁迫对樟树光合性能的影响.永利3044官网学报, 2019, 36(1): 47-53.
11.吕嘉欣,王翔,项亨旺,韦赛君,王彬*,高岩,张汝民.毛竹释放挥发物对空气负离子及微生物的影响.竹子学报, 2020, 39(3): 49-57.(通讯作者)
12.马玲,张静,赵亚红,王彬*,韦赛君,吕嘉欣,高岩.枫香树林挥发物和空气负离子季节变化及对微生物数量的影响.浙江林业科技, 2021, 41(02): 8-16.(通讯作者)
13.韦赛君,张静,王翔,吕嘉欣,王彬*,高岩,张汝民.金钱松林挥发物季节性变化对空气负离子及微生物的影响.江西农业大学学报, 2021, 43(6): 1316-1326.(通讯作者)
14.赵亚红,徐翠霞,马玲,王彬*,韦赛君,吕嘉欣,高岩,张汝民. 3种常绿树挥发物成分对空气负离子及微生物的影响.永利3044官网学报, 2020, 37(4): 654-663.(通讯作者)
15.王琦,刘华红,王彬*,张汝民,高岩. 7种槭树释放挥发性有机化合物组分分析.永利3044官网学报, 2016, 33(3): 524-530.(通讯作者)
16.赵亚红,徐翠霞,马玲,王彬*,韦赛君,吕嘉欣,高岩,张汝民. 3种常绿树挥发物成分对空气负离子及微生物的影响.永利3044官网学报, 2020, 37(4): 654-663.
17.王彬,田正凤,应彬彬,马元丹,左照江*.高温胁迫对樟树光合性能的影响.永利3044官网学报, 2019, 36(1): 47–53.
18.沈剑,李蓓蓓,郑国良,王彬*.城市树木对空气颗粒物的影响综述.安徽农业科学, 2019, 47(2): 8-11, 16.
19.王彬,马元丹*,陈健.大学生校外实践教育基地的建设与优化管理——以永利3044官网天目山大学生实践教育基地为例.教育教学论坛, 2017, (39): 31-33.
20.王琦,刘华红,王彬*,张汝民,高岩.7种槭树释放挥发性有机化合物组分分析.永利3044官网学报, 2016, 33(3): 524-530. (通讯作者)
21.王彬,江洪*,宋晓东,余树全,陈健.利用遥感监测浙江省酸雨对植被的影响.安徽农业科学, 2009, 37(23): 11145-11150, 11153.