邵钧炯,博士,副教授。毕业于复旦大学,获生态学博士学位。从事全球气候变化背景下生态系统功能的调控机制研究,重点研究生态系统碳循环的时空动态及其对气候变化的响应机制、气候变化下植物进化历史对生态系统功能的调控作用。目前已发表论文40余篇,总被引1900余次,H指数19。其中以第一或通讯作者在Global Change Biology、New Phytologist、Global Ecology and Biogeography、Ecology、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等期刊上发表论文14篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、面上项目一项。
2004.9-2008.6 复旦大学生命科学学院,生物科学,学士
2008.9-2014.7 复旦大学生命科学学院,生态学,博士,指导教师:骆亦其教授、李博教授、周旭辉研究员
2009.10-2010.8 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,交流学习
2015.11-2021.1 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院,生态学,博士后,合作导师:周旭辉教授
2021.5-至今 永利3044官网永利3044官网,生态学,副教授
1. Li G, Si M, Zhang C, Shen Z, Wang S,Shao J*. (2024). Responses of plant biomass and biomass allocation to experimental drought: a global phylogenetic meta-analysis.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 347: 109917.
2. Li C, Ji Y, Ma N, Zhang J, Zhang H, Ji C, Zhu J*,Shao J*, Li Y. (2023). Positive effects of vegetation restoration on the soil properties of post-mining land.Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05864-w.
3.Shao J, Zhou X*, Zhang P, Zhai D, Yuan T, Li Z, He Y, McDowell NG. (2023). Embolism resistance explains mortality and recovery of five subtropical evergreen broadleaf trees to persistent drought.Ecology, 104: e3877.
4.Wu Q, Yue K, Ma Y, Heděnec P, Cai Y, Chen J, Zhang H,Shao J*, Chang SX, Li Y. (2022). Contrasting effects of altered precipitation regimes on soil nitrogen cycling at the global scale.Global Change Biology, 28: 6679-6695.
5.Shao J, Li G, Li Y, Zhou X. (2022). Intraspecific responses of plant productivity and crop yield to experimental warming: a global synthesis.Science of the Total Environment, 840: 156685.
6.Shao J, Zhou X, van Groenigen KJ, Zhou G, Zhou H, Zhou L, Lu M, Xia J, Jiang L, Hungate BA, Luo Y, He F, Thakur MP. (2022). Warming effects on grassland productivity depend on plant diversity.Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31: 588-598.
7. Zhou H,Shao J*, Liu H, Du Z, Zhou L, Liu R, Bernhofer C, Grünwald T, Dušek J, Montagnani L, Tagesson T, Black T, Jassal R, Woodgate W, Biraud S, Varlagin A, Mammarella I, Gharun M, Shekhar A, Buchmann N, Manco A, Magliulo E, Billesbach D, Silberstein RP, Ohta T, Yu G, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Zhou X*. (2021). Relative importance of climatic variables, soil properties and plant traits to spatial variability in net CO2 exchange across global forests and grasslands.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307: 108506.
8. Gao J, Zhou M,Shao J*, Zhou G, Liu R, Zhou L, Liu H, He Y, Chen Y, Zhou X. (2021). Fine root trait-function relationships affected by mycorrhizal type and climate.Geoderma, 394: 115011.
9. He M, Zhou G, Yuan T, van Groenigen KJ,Shao J*, Zhou X*. (2020). Grazing intensity significantly changes the C:N:P stoichiometry in grassland ecosystems.Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29: 355-369.
10.Shao J, Yuan T, Li Z, Li N, Liu H, Bai SH, Xia J, Lu M, Zhou X. (2019). Plant evolutionary history mainly explains the variance in biomass responses to climate warming at a global scale.New Phytologist, 222: 1338-1351.
11.Shao J, Zhou X, Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken PD, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb T, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel WC, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J. (2016). Direct and indirect effects of climatic variations on the interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange across terrestrial ecosystems.Tellus B, 68, 30575.
12.Shao J, Zhou X, Luo Y, Zhang G, Yan W, Li J, Li B, Dan L, Fisher JB, Gao Z, He Y, Huntzinger D, Jain AK, Mao J, Meng J, Michalak AM, Parazoo NC, Peng C, Poulter B, Schwalm CR, Shi X, Sun R, Tao F, Tian H, Wei Y, Zeng N, Zhu Q, Zhu W. (2016). Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901–2005.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121: 1372-1393.
13.Shao J, Zhou X, Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken P, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb TE, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel W, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J. (2015). Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variability in carbon fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 205: 11-22.
14.Shao J, Zhou X, He H, Yu G, Wang H, Luo Y, Chen J, Gu L, Li B. (2014). Partitioning climatic and biotic effects on interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange in three ecosystems.Ecosystems, 17: 1186-1201.
1. He Y, Zhou X, Jia Z, Zhou L, Chen H, Liu R, Du Z, Zhou G,Shao J, Ding J, Chen K, Hartley IP. (2022). Apparent thermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration mainly mediated by substrate availability.Global Change Biology, 29: 1178-1187.
2. Ji Y, He Y,Shao J, Liu H, Fu Y, Chen X, Chen Y, Liu R, Gao J, Li N, Zhou G, Zhou L, Zhou X. (2022). Dissolved organic carbon flux is driven by plant traits more than climate across global forest types.Forests, 13: 1119.
3. Jiang Z, Thakur MP, Liu R, Zhou G, Zhou L, Fu Y, Zhang P, He Y,Shao J, Gao J, Li N, Wang X, Jia S, Chen Y, Zhang C, Zhou X. (2022). Soil P availability and mycorrhizal type determine root exudation in sub-tropical forests.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 171: 108722.
4. Zhang G, Zhou G, Zhou X, Zhou L,Shao J, Liu R, Gao J, He Y, Du Z, Tang J, Delgado-Baquerizo M. (2022). Effects of tree mycorrhizal type on soil respiration and carbon stock via fine root biomass and litter dynamic in tropical plantations.Journal of Plant Ecology, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac056.
5. Li N,Shao J, Zhou G, Zhou L, Du Z, Zhou X. (2022). Improving estimations of ecosystem respiration with asymmetric daytime and nighttime temperature sensitivity and relative humidity.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 312: 108709.
6. Liu H, Wang H, Li N,Shao J, Zhou X, van Groenigen KJ, Thakur MP. (2022).Nature Climate Change, 12: 97-102.
7. He Y, Yao Y, Jia Z, Chen X, Zhou L,Shao J, Liu R, Zhou G, Fu Y, Sun X, Zhou X, Bai SH. (2021). Antagonistic interaction between biochar and nitrogen addition on soil greenhouse gas fluxes: A global synthesis.GCB Bioenergy, 13: 1636-1648.
8. Liu R, He Y, Zhou G,Shao J, Zhou L, Zhou H, Li N, Song B, Liang C, Yan E, Chen X, Wang X, Wang M, Bai SH, Zhou X, Phillips RP. (2021). Mycorrhizal effects on decomposition and soil CO2 flux depend on changes in nitrogen availability during forest succession.Journal of Ecology, 109: 3929-3943.
9. Zhou L, Yan W, Sun X,Shao J, Zhang P, Zhou G, He Y, Liu H, Fu Y, Zhou X. (2021). Regulation of climate, soil and hydrological factors on macrophyte biomass allocation for coastal and inland wetlands in China.Science of The Total Environment, 774: 145317.
10.周贵尧,周灵燕,邵钧炯,周旭辉. (2020).极端干旱对陆地生态系统的影响:进展与展望.植物生态学报, 44: 515-525.
11. Zhou G, Zhou X, Liu R, Du Z, Zhou L, Li S, Liu H,Shao J, Wang J, Nie Y, Gao J, Wang M, Zhang M, Wang X, Bai SH. (2020). Soil fungi and fine root biomass mediate drought‐induced reductions in soil respiration.Functional Ecology, 34: 2634-2643.
12. Zhou L, Hong Y, Li C, Lu C, He Y,Shao J, Sun X, Wang C, Liu R, Liu H, Zhou G, Zhou X. (2020). Responses of biomass allocation to multi-factor global change: A global synthesis.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 304: 107115.
13. He Y, Yao Y, Ji Y, Deng J, Zhou G, Liu R,Shao J, Zhou L, Li N, Zhou X, Bai SH. (2020). Biochar amendment boosts photosynthesis and biomass in C3 but not C4 plants: a global synthesis.GCB Bioenergy, 12: 605-617.
14. Zhang P, Zhou X, Fu Y,Shao J, Zhou L, Li S, Zhou G, Hu Z, Hu J, Bai SH, McDowell NG. (2020). Differential effects of drought on nonstructural carbohydrate storage in seedlings and mature trees of four species in a subtropical forest.Forest Ecology and Management, 469: 118159.
15. Hu Z, Chen HYH, Yue C, Gong XY,Shao J, Zhou G, Wang J, Wang M, Xia J, Li Y, Zhou X, Michaletz ST. (2020). Traits mediate drought effects on wood carbon fluxes.Global Change Biology, 26: 3429-3442.
16. He Y, Cheng W, Zhou L,Shao J, Liu H, Zhou H, Zhu K, Zhou X. (2020). Soil DOC release and aggregate disruption mediate rhizosphere priming effect on soil C decomposition.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 144: 107787.
17. Zhang X, Cui L, Nie M,Shao J, Wei S, Kang X, Li B. (2019). Macrophytes and crabs affect nitrogen transformations in salt marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 225: 106242.
18. Liu R, Zhou X, Wang J,Shao J, Fu Y, Liang C, Yan E, Chen X, Wang X, Bai SH. (2019). Differential magnitude of rhizosphere effects on soil aggregation at three stages of subtropical secondary forest successions.Plant and Soil, 436: 365-380.
19. He Y, Zhou X, Cheng W, Zhou L, Zhang G, Zhou G, Liu R,Shao J, Zhu K, Cheng W. (2019). Linking improvement of soil structure to soil carbon storage following invasion by a C4 plant Spartina alterniflora.Ecosystems, 22: 859-872.
20. Zhou G, Zhou X, Nie Y, Hosseini-Bai S, Zhou L,Shao J, Cheng W, Wang J, Hu F, Fu Y. (2018). Drought-induced changes in root biomass largely result from altered root morphological traits: evidence from a synthesis of global field trials.Plant, Cell and Environment, 41: 2589-2599.
21. Du Z, Zhou X,Shao J, Yu G, Wang H, Zhai D, Xia J, Luo Y. (2017). Quantifying uncertainties from additional nitrogen data and processes in a terrestrial ecosystem model with Bayesian probabilistic inversion.Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9: 548-565.
22. He Y, Zhou X, Jiang L, Li M, Du Z, Zhou G,Shao J, Wang X, Xu Z, Hosseini-Bai S, Wallace H, Xu C. (2017). Effects of biochar application on soil greenhouse gas fluxes: a meta-analysis.GCB Bioenergy, 9: 743-755.
23. Zhai D, Jin W,Shao J, He Y, Zhang G, Li M, Huang H, Zhou X. (2017). Different response patterns of soil respiration to a nitrogen addition gradient in four types of land-use on an alluvial island in China.Ecosystems, 20: 904-916.
24. Zhou G, Zhou X, He Y,Shao J, Hu Z, Liu R, Zhou H, Hosseini-Bai S. (2017). Grazing intensity significantly affects belowground carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland ecosystems: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 23: 1167-1179.
25. Zhou G, Zhou X, Zhang T, Du Z, He Y, Wang X,Shao J, Cao Y, Xue S, Wang H, Xu C. (2017). Biochar increased soil respiration in temperate forests but had no effects in subtropical forests.Forest Ecology and Management, 405: 339-349.
26.蒋利玲,曾从盛,邵钧炯,周旭辉. (2017).闽江河口入侵种互花米草和本地种短叶茳芏的养分动态及植物化学计量内稳性特征.植物生态学报, 41: 450-460.
27.聂园园,周贵尧,邵钧炯,周灵燕,刘瑞强,翟德苹,周旭辉. (2017).模拟干旱对亚热带森林土壤微生物生物量及群落结构的影响.复旦学报(自然科学版), 56: 97-105.
28. Zhou X, Zhou L, Nie Y, Fu Y, Du Z,Shao J, Zheng Z, Wang X. (2016). Similar responses of soil carbon storage to drought and irrigation in terrestrial ecosystems but with contrasting mechanisms: a meta-analysis.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 228: 70-81.
29. Zhou L, Zhou X,Shao J, Nie Y, He Y, Jiang L, Wu Z, Hosseini-Bai S. (2016). Interactive effects of global change factors on soil respiration and its components: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 22: 3157-3169.
30.高杰,邵钧炯,何杨辉,王希华,周旭辉. (2015).天童山常绿阔叶林土壤呼吸的空间异质性研究:取样数量的估算和取样方法的优化.复旦学报(自然科学版), 54:58-66.
31.金皖豫,李铭,何杨辉,杜正刚,邵钧炯,张国栋,周灵燕,周旭辉. (2015).不同施氮水平对冬小麦生长期土壤呼吸的影响.植物生态学报, 39: 249-257.
32. Li H,Shao J, Qiu S, Li B. (2013). Native Phragmites dieback reduced its dominance in the salt marshes invaded by exotic Spartina in the Yangtze River estuary, China.Ecological Engineering, 57: 236-241.
33. Zhang X, Chen Y,Shao J, Wu X, Shang L, Li B. (2013). Crabs mediate interactions between native and invasive salt marsh plants: a mesocosm study.PLoS One, 8: e74095.
1.周旭辉,邵钧炯. (2021).气候变化背景下生态系统CO2净交换的年际变异.见《现代生态学讲座9:聚焦于城市化和全球变化的生态学研究》(邬建国、陈小勇、李媛媛、马群主编).高等教育出版社,北京. 103-124.
2. Jiang L,Shao J, Shi Z, Zhou X, Zhou Z, Luo Y. (2019). Responses of grasslands to experimental warming. In Mohan J, eds. Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming. Academic Press. 347-384.
3.李博,邵钧炯,卫书娟,马丁,李慧. (2013).全球变化与植物入侵.见《现代生态学讲座6:全球气候变化与生态格局及过程》(邬建国、安树青、冷欣主编).高等教育出版社,北京. 66-94.
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