王新平 博士、教授、博士生导师,联合国亚太经社会东北亚次区域环境合作机制“预防和减轻沙尘暴”项目咨询与人力资源专家,欧洲科学与技术合作“旱地恢复与荒漠化防治”行动专家。曾获蒙古科学院荣誉文凭、中科院王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖获、国家科学技术进步二等奖、甘肃省自然科学一等奖、宁夏自治区科技进步一等奖、第九届宁夏青年科技奖。
1.Wang XP, Schaffer BE, Yang ZL, Rodriguez-Iturbe I. Probabilistic model predicts dynamics of vegetation biomass in a desert ecosystem in NW China. PNAS, 2017, 114(25): E4944-E4950.
2.Wang XP, Zhang H, Zhang YF, Hu R, Pan YX. Dependence of canopy water storage on raindrop size in revegetated desert shrub. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2015, 60(4): 760-769.
3.Wang XP, Pan YX, Hu R, Zhang YF, Zhang H. Condensation of water vapour on moss dominated biological soil crust, NW China. Journal of Earth System Science, 2014, 123(2): 297-305.
4.Wang XP, Pan YX, Zhang YF, Dou DQ, Hu R, Zhang H. Temporal stability analysis of surface and subsurface soil moisture for a transect in artificial revegetation desert area, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 507: 100-109.
5.Wang XP, Quan GJ, Pan YX, Hu R, Zhang YF, Tedeschi A, Basile A, Comegna A, Coppola A, de Mascellis R. Comparison of hydraulic behaviour of unvegetated and vegetation-stabilized sand dunes in arid desert ecosystems. Ecohydrology, 2013, 6: 264-274.
6.Wang XP, Zhang YF, Wang ZN, Pan YX, Hu R, Li XJ, Zhang H. Influence of shrub canopy morphology and rainfall characteristics on stemflow within a revegetated sand dune in the Tengger Desert, NW China. Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27(10): 1501-1509.
7.Wang XP, Zhang YF, Hu R, Pan YX, Berndtsson R. Canopy storage capacity of xerophytic shrubs in Northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 454-455: 152-159.
8.Wang XP, Wang ZN, Berndtsson R, Zhang YF, Pan YX. Desert shrub stemflow and its significance in soil moisture replenishment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2011, 15: 561-567.
9.Wang XP, Wang ZN, Cui Y, Pan YX. Variation in soil seed banks composition at the desert microhabitats of Caragana korshinskii shrubs. Arid Land Research and Management, 2010, 24: 238-252.
10.Wang XP, Cui Y, Pan YX, Li XR, Yu Z, Young HM. Effects of rainfall characteristics on infiltration and redistribution patterns in revegetation-stabilized desert ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology, 2008, 358(1,2): 134-143.
11.Wang XP, Young HM, Yu Z, Li XR, Zhang ZS. Long-term effects of restoration on soil hydraulic properties in revegetation-stabilized desert ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, 2007, 34, L24S22.
12.Wang XP, Li XR, Xiao HL, Berndtsson R, Pan YX. Effects of surface characteristics on infiltration patterns in an arid shrub desert. Hydrological Processes, 2007, 21(1): 72-79.
13.Wang XP, Li XR, Xiao HL, Pan YX. Evolutionary characteristics of the artificially revegetated shrub ecosystem in the Tengger Desert, Northern China. Ecological Research, 2006, 21: 415-424.
14.Wang XP, Li XR, Zhang JG, Zhang ZS, Berndtsson R. Measurement of rainfall interception by xerophytic shrubs in re-vegetated sand dunes. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2005, 50(5): 897-910.
15.Wang XP, Brown-Mitic CM, Kang ES, Zhang JG, Li XR. Evapotranspiration of Caragana korshinskii communities in a revegetated desert area: Tengger Desert, China. Hydrological Processes, 2004, 18(17): 3293-3303.
16.Wang XP, Berndtsson R, Li XR, Kang ES. Water balance change for a re-vegetated xerophyte shrub area. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 2004, 49(2): 283-295.
17.Wang XP, Kang ES, Zhang JG, Li XR, Berndtsson R. Evapotranspiration of A. ordosica vegetation in stabilized arid desert dune in Shapotou, China. Arid Land Research and Management, 2004, 18(1): 63-76.
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