杨正福 博士,讲师,中共党员。
2023-12, 24万元,主持
2.浙江省重点研发项目:特色经济林木种质资源数字化利用技术体系构建。2021-01/2023-12, 295万元,参与
3.浙江省自然科学基金:树木遗传学,基因组学和育种学术会议交流会。2021-01/2021-12, 5万元,参与
1.Yang Z, Sun L, Zhang P, Zhang Y, Yu P, Liu L, Abbas A, Xiang X, Wu W, Zhan X, Cao L, Cheng S (2019)TDR INTERACTING PROTEIN 3, encoding a PHD-finger transcription factor, regulates Ubisch bodies and pollen wall formation in rice.The Plant Journal99(5): 844-861.
2.Yang Z, Liu L, Sun L, Yu P, Zhang P, Abbas A, Xiang X, Wu W, Zhang Y, Cao L, Cheng S (2019) OsMS1 functions as a transcriptional activator to regulate programmed tapetum development and pollen exine formation in rice.Plant molecular biology99 (1-2):175-191.
3.Yang Z, Zhang Y, Sun L, Zhang P, Liu L, Yu P, Xuan D, Xiang X, Wu W, Cao L, Cheng S (2018) Identification ofcyp703a3-3and analysis of regulatory role ofCYP703A3in rice anther cuticle and pollen exine development.Gene. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2018.01.058
4. Xiang X, Zhang P, Yu P, Zhang Y,Yang Z, Sun L, Wu W, Khan RM, Abbas A, Cheng S, Cao L (2019) LSSR1 facilitates seed setting rate by promoting fertilization in rice.Rice12 (1):31.
5. Zhang P, Zhang Y, Sun L, Sinumporn S,Yang Z, Sun B, Xuan D, Li Z, Yu P, Wu W, Wang K, Cao L, Cheng S (2017) The Rice AAA-ATPase OsFIGNL1 Is Essential for Male Meiosis.Frontiers in plant science8:1639. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01639
6. Sun L, Zhang Y, Zhang P,Yang Z, Zhou X, Xuan D, Rahman M, Li Z, Wu W, Zhan X, Shen X, Yu P, Chen D, Cao L, Cheng S (2016) Morphogenesis and Gene Mapping of deformed interiorfloral organ 1(difo1), a Novel Mutant Associated with Floral Organ Development in Rice.Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. doi:10.1007/s11105-016-1007-x
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