娄和强,生物学博士,教授,博士生导师,长期从事经济林抗逆、品质等重要性状调控机理研究。主要利用分子生物学、生物化学、生物信息学等手段挖掘香榧、山核桃、核桃等经济林重要品质形成及环境适应的关键调控基因,揭示优异性状形成的进化及其遗传学基础,创制优质高产、环境适应性强的特色经济林品种。主持国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目、浙江省重点研发计划择优资助课题、浙江省林业厅省院合作重大项目等多项科研项目。获梁希林业科学技术一等奖1项。共发表论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Nature Communications、Plant Physiology、New Phytologist、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Journal of Advanced Research、Plant Cell and Environment、Horticulture Research等期刊发表论文20余篇。授权专利5件。指导本科生获得浙江省大学生生命科学竞赛三等奖2项,指导研究生获得中国研究生乡村振兴科技强农+创新大赛“苏研杯”科技作品竞赛一等奖1项。
(1) 2012-09至2015-09,浙江大学,植物学,博士
(2) 2009-09至2012-06,浙江师范大学,植物学,硕士
(3) 2005-09至2009-07,阜阳师范学院,生物科学,学士
(1) 2018-05至今,永利3044官网,永利3044官网,教授
(2) 2017-11至2018-04,永利3044官网,永利3044官网,讲师
(3) 2015-11至2017-10,浙江大学,生命科学学院,博士后
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 32271923, TgLBD40调控香榧油脂合成的分子机制解析, 2023-01至2026-12, 54万元,在研,主持
(2)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 31800563,柠檬酸分泌转运蛋白基因在山核桃抗铝毒中的功能解析及辅助选育, 2019-01至2021-12, 26万元,结题,主持
代表性论文 (#共一,*通讯)
(1)Heqiang Lou#; Lili Song#; Xiaolong Li#; Hailing Zi; Weijie Chen; Yadi Gao; Shan Zheng; Zhangjun Fei*; Xuepeng Sun*; Jiasheng Wu*; The Torreya grandis genome illuminates the origin and evolution of gymnosperm-specific sciadonic acid biosynthesis,Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 1315.
(2)Weijie Chen#; Baofeng Jiang#; Hao Zeng; Zhihui Liu; Wenchao Chen; Shan Zheng; Jiasheng Wu*;Heqiang Lou*; Molecular regulatory mechanisms of staminate strobilus development and dehiscence in Torreya grandis,Plant Physiology, 2024, kiae081, doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae081.
(3)He Qiang Lou; Yu Long Gong; Wei Fan; Jia Meng Xu; Yu Liu; Meng Jie Cao; Ming-Hu Wang; Jian Li Yang*; Shao Jian Zheng; A Formate Dehydrogenase Confers Tolerance to Aluminum and Low pH,Plant Physiology, 2016, 171(1): 294-305.
(4)He Qiang Lou#; Wei Fan#; Jia Meng Xu; Yu Long Gong; Jian Feng Jin; Wei Wei Chen; Ling Yu Liu; Mei Rong Hai; Jian Li Yang*; Shao Jian Zheng; An Oxalyl-CoA Synthetase Is Involved in Oxalate Degradation and Aluminum Tolerance,Plant Physiology, 2016, 172(3): 1679-1690.
(5)Heqiang Lou#; Shan Zheng#; Wenchao Chen; Weiwu Yu; Huifeng Jiang; Mohamed A. Farag; Jianbo Xiao*; Jiasheng Wu*; Lili Song*; Transcriptome-referenced association study provides insights into the regulation of oil and fatty acid biosynthesis in Torreya grandis kernel,Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, doi:10.1016/j.jare.2023.01.007.
(6) Wenchao Chen; Jiaqi Zhang; Shan Zheng; Zhanqi Wang; Chuanmei Xu; Qixiang Zhang; Jiasheng Wu;Heqiang Lou*; Metabolite profiling and transcriptome analyses reveal novel regulatory mechanisms of melatonin biosynthesis in hickory,Horticulture Research, 2021, 8: 196.
(7)He Qiang Lou#; Wei Fan#; Jian Feng Jin; Jia Meng Xu; Wei Wei Chen; Jian Li Yang*; Shao Jian Zheng; A NAC-type transcription factor confers aluminium resistance by regulating cell wall-associated receptor kinase 1 and cell wall pectin,Plant, Cell & Environment, 2020, 43(2): 463-478.
(8) Hao Zeng; Yaru Li; Weijie Chen; Jingwei Yan*; Jiasheng Wu*;Heqiang Lou*; Melatonin alleviates aluminum toxicity by regulating aluminum-responsive and nonresponsive pathways in hickory.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023,460: 132274.
(9)Heqiang Lou#; Yi Yang#; Shan Zheng#; Zhenmin Ma; Wenchao Chen; Chenliang Yu*; Lili Song*; Jiasheng Wu*; Identification of key genes contributing to amino acid biosynthesis in Torreya grandis using transcriptome and metabolome analysis,Food Chemistry, 2022, 379: 132078.
(10) Lili Song#; Xuecheng Meng#; Lei Yang#; Zhenmin Ma; Minying Zhou; Chenliang Yu; Zuying Zhang; Weiwu Yu; Jiasheng Wu*;Heqiang Lou*; Identification of key genes and enzymes contributing to nutrition conversion of Torreya grandis nuts during post-ripening process,Food Chemistry, 2022, 384: 132454.
(11)Heqiang Lou#; Mingzhu Ding#; Jiasheng Wu*; Feicui Zhang; Wenchao Chen; Yi Yang; Jinwei Suo; Weiwu Yu; Chuanmei Xu; Lili Song*; Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis of the Genes Involved in Tocopherol Biosynthesis in Torreya grandis,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(7): 1877-1888.
(12) Jingwei Yan#; Na Kong#; Qiumei Liu; Mengmeng Wang; Ke Lv; Hao Zeng; Weijie Chen; Jiali Luo;Heqiang Lou*; Lili Song*; Jiasheng Wu*; Ti3C2Tx MXene nanosheets enhance the tolerance of Torreya grandis to Pb stress,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 445: 130647.
(13) Jingwei Yan#; Ya Liu#; Jiawen Yan; Zhihui Liu;Heqiang Lou*; Jiasheng Wu*; The salt-activated CBF1/CBF2/CBF3-GALS1 module fine-tunes galactan-induced salt hypersensitivity in Arabidopsis.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2023, 65: 1904-1917.
(14) Feicui Zhang#; Zhenmin Ma#; Yan Qiao; Zhanqi Wang; Wenchao Chen; Shan Zheng; Chenliang Yu; Lili Song*;Heqiang Lou*; Jiasheng Wu*; Transcriptome sequencing and metabolomics analyses provide insights into the flavonoid biosynthesis in Torreya grandis kernels,Food Chemistry, 2022, 374: 131558.
(15) Chenliang Yu#; Hao Zeng#; Qi Wang#; Wenchao Chen; Weijie Chen; Weiwu Yu;Heqiang Lou*; Jiasheng Wu*; Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular responses of Torreya grandis shoots to nanoplastic pollutant,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129181.
(16) Mingzhu Ding;Heqiang Lou*; Wenchao Chen; Ying Zhou; Zihao Zhang; Minghui Xiao; Zhanqi Wang; Yi Yang; Lei Yang; Feicui Zhang; Jiasheng Wu*; Lili Song*; Comparative transcriptome analysis of the genes involved in lipid biosynthesis pathway and regulation of oil body formation in Torreya grandis kernels,Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 145: 112051.
(17) Mei Ya Liu#;He Qiang Lou#; Wei Wei Chen#; Miguel A. Piñeros; Jia Meng Xu; Wei Fan; Leon V. Kochian; Shao Jian Zheng; Jian Li Yang*; Two citrate transporters coordinately regulate citrate secretion from rice bean root tip under aluminum stress,Plant, Cell & Environment, 2018, 41(4): 809-822.
(18) Wei Fan#;He Qiang Lou#; Yu Long Gong; Mei Ya Liu; Meng Jie Cao; Yu Liu; Jian Li Yang*; Shao Jian Zheng; Characterization of an inducible C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor VuSTOP1 in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) reveals differential regulation between low pH and aluminum tolerance mechanisms,New Phytologist, 2015, 208(2): 456-468.