1.国家自然科学基金青年项目, 32000387,酵母衰老过程中Yhb1生理性聚集对α-synuclein和synphilin-1细胞毒性的影响及其机制研究, 2021.01-2023.12, 24万,主持
2.浙江省自然科学基金青年项目, LQ19C070001, synphilin-1蛋白聚集体在酵母中与线粒体互作的原位结构及其对线粒体功能影响的分析, 2019.01-2021.12, 9万,主持
3.校科研发展基金, 2023LFR025,林源黄酮类化合物抗衰老活性筛选及机理研究, 2021.11-2024.11, 15万,主持
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 32370036,酿酒酵母Sgt2相分离介导的氧化胁迫耐受机制, 2024.01-2027.12, 50万,参与
5.国家自然科学基金青年项目, 31800163, JB6细胞壁的三维结构、组成成分及其在JB6适应碳酸盐胁迫中的作用分析, 2019.01-2021.12, 27万,参与
6.浙江省自然科学基金, LY23C060001, Sgt2调控Sis1液-液相分离在维持蛋白质稳态中的作用机制研究, 2023.01-2025.12, 10万,参与
1.Xiuling Cao, Xiang Wu, Lei Zhao, Ju Zheng, Xuejiao Jin, Xinxin Hao, Joris Winderickx, Shenkui Liu, Lihua Chen*, Beidong Liu*, Maturation and detoxification of synphilin-1 inclusion bodies regulated by sphingolipids, 2023,eLife12: RP92180
2.Xiuling Cao*, Tingting An, Wenhao Fu, Jie Zhang, Huihui Zhao, Danqi Li, Xuejiao Jin*, Beidong Liu*, Genome-wide identification of cellular pathways and key genes that respond to sodium bicarbonate stress inSaccharomyces cerevisiae,Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13:831973
3.Xiuling Cao, Xuejiao Jin, Beidong Liu*, The involvement of stress granules in aging and aging associated diseases,Aging Cell, 2020, 00: e13136.
4.Xiuling Cao, Xuejiao Jin, and Beidong Liu*, Genome-wide imaging-based phenomic screening using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain collections,Methods in Molecular Biology, 2021, 2196:85-95.
5.Xiuling Cao, Xuejiao Jin, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ying Li, Chunyan Wang, Xianbing Wang, Jian Hong, Xiaofeng Wang, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*, Morphogenesis of endoplasmic reticulum membrane-invaginated vesicles duringBeet Black Scorch Virusinfection: role of auxiliary replication protein and new implications of three-dimensional architecture,Journal of Virology, 2015, 89(12): 6184-6195.
6.Xuejiao Jin, Min Zhou, Shuxin Chen, Danqi Li,Xiuling Cao*, Beidong Liu*, Effects of pH alterations on stress- and aging-induced protein phase separation,Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2022, 79(7):380
7.Lingzhi Xiang,Yanan Wang,Shenkui Liu,Beidong Liu,Xuejiao Jin*,Xiuling Cao*, Targeting Protein Aggregates with natural products: an optional strategy for neurodegenerative diseases,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(14):11275
8.Weicheng Fang, Shuxin Chen, Xuejiao Jin, Shenkui Liu,Xiuling Cao*, Beidong Liu*, Metabolomics in aging research: aging markers from organs,Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2023, 11:1198794
9.Wenhao Fu,Xiuling Cao(co-first)*, Tingting An, Huihui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Danqi Li, Xuejiao Jin*, Beidong Liu*, Genome-wide identification of resistance genes and transcriptome regulation in yeast to accommodate ammonium toxicity,BMC Genomics, 2022, 23(1):514
10.Xiangdong Hu, Xuejiao Jin,Xiuling Cao*, Beidong Liu*, The Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome is a cellular ageing regulator,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(23):15327
11.Xuejiao Jin, Huihui Zhao, Min Zhou, Jie Zhang, Tingting An, Wenhao Fu, Danqi Li,Xiuling Cao*, Beidong Liu*, Retromer complex and PI3K complex II-related genes mediate the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sodium metabisulfite resistance response,Cells, 2021, 10(12):3512
12.Xuejiao Jin, Jie Zhang, Tingting An, Huihui Zhao, Wenhao Fu, Danqi Li, Shenkui Liu,Xiuling Cao*, and Beidong Liu*, A genome-wide screen inSaccharomyces cerevisiaereveals a critical role for oxidative phosphorylation in cellular tolerance to lithium hexafluorophosphate,Cells, 2021, 10(4): 888.
13.Xuejiao Jin,Xiuling Cao (co-first), Shenkui Liu*, and Beidong Liu*, Functional roles of Poly(ADP-Ribose) in stress granule formation and dynamics,Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 671780.
14.Xiaoling Wang,Xiuling Cao (co-first), Min Liu, Ruiqi Zhang, Xin Zhang, Zongyu Gao, Xiaofei Zhao, Kai Xu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*, Hsc70-2 is required forBeet black scorch virusinfection through interaction with replication and capsid proteins,Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 4526.
15.Junsheng Yang, Xinxin Hao,Xiuling Cao, Beidong Liu*, Thomas Nyström*, Spatial sequestration and detoxification of Huntingtin by the ribosome quality control complex.eLife, 2016, 5: e11792.
16.Jiale Qiu, Jie Zhang, Huihui Zhao, Cuiping Wu, Caoliang Jin, Xiangdong Hu, Jian Li,Xiuling Cao,Shenkui Liu*andXuejiao Jin*, Cellulose and JbKOBITO 1 mediate the resistance of NaHCO3-tolerant chlorella to saline-alkali stress,Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14:1285796
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邮 箱: cxiuling@zafu.edu.cn